Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Reasoning with a 2 Yr Old

Some Happy Shots

We are so glad to finally see Lily come into herself over about the last week or so. She has been quite happy!! I am not going to lie, the last 3-4 months have been very hard on us. Between Lily's reflux, her just plain not being the happiest baby and her not liking to sleep, smiley moments have been few and far between! I think (hope) we are past the hardest of it. We love her and her pretty smile :) Now, lets keep it up!!!

Lily has a lot to say

Perfect fit!!!

I took this the day after Easter, before we put the baskets away!!! Curly is our Indoor/Outdoor kitty (mainly outdoor), she is restricted to the house right now and not loving it!! She hurt her feet somehow outside and has been limping around. We think she got caught in something, because it is all four feet, poor thing :(