Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I am very sad . . .

Hello all! My camera is acting very funny. It is five years old and I plan on getting a new one for my birthday, but that is at the end of the month . . . Hint, Hint, Best Buy gift certificates would be wonderful :) When we went to the Zoo last week the camera screen kept saying Error, but it took pictures. When I got home to down load the pictures the computer told me it was the wrong format. It said I could reformat it, but I would lose all of my pictures on the card. I decided to do it because the only pictures that were on there were pictures from that day at the Zoo. It said it couldn't complete it? I don't know if I need a new memory card or what, but I just tried to take a picture of Soph and the camera screen told me the memory stick was the wrong format!! I did something to the camera and now my small, little brain can't figure it out! So that is why I am sad :( I might not be able to post many pictures of Sophie in the next month until I can get a new camera. I will just rely on Mimi and Jen until then!


Mimi said...

You are the reason why I bought a new camera....went looking for a camera for you and heck bought myself one...Dad said just to give you a gift card and let you pick your OWN out....might not like what I would pick....so thanks Amy for making me look at camera's because I would NEVER of bought a new one....you can use old one until you get one....tee hee

Kate said...

Amy, are you an August baby too? When's your birthday? And don't worry, I have a camera with a memory card on it and I'll bring the cord to download any pictures of the girls this weekend!

Amy R. said...

Thank you guys very much!! I would love to borrow the camera this month and I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me download pics from your camera, make sure you bring the cord though, because I don't want to break your card also!!! My b-day is 8/27 and I am counting down the days til I can get a new camera!! Is your b-day in August also?

Mimi said...

Plus my printer has like 6 different slots for camera cards....

Mimi said...

P.S. Kate's birthday is August 15 she will be turning.....Oh I won't say we NEVER tell a ladies age...

Kate said...

How did you know my birthday? Yup. I'll admit it--the big 2-8. :) I can't wait for 30! I figure that it's worth a big party AND a big present!

Mimi said...

Just think when you are turning 28 I will be turning the big 5 0 talk about a big party....did you hear that Amy r????

Unknown said...

Two August birthdays with two February birthday babies. Gracie had to come in December so she could celebrate with Mom, Great-Grandma and Great-Aunt.

Amy R., I would see if it's the card before you go buy a new camera (although far be it from me to keep anyone from buying camera stuff...fun fun!). Memory cards can go bad, or maybe you hit some funky button on the back of the camera and switched settings? (I do that frequently) I'm glad Mimi can help out so we have our Sophie-fix.

Amy R. said...

I will be 27 this August. Aaron says when I turn 30 he is going to throw my my second 29th b-day party, isn't that funny!! Kate, I am like you, I don't mind getting older. I might be signing a different tune when the big 5-0 comes (hee, hee, Mimi), but right now I am extremely happy and would not give anything to go back in life :) Amy, I realized that it might just be a memory card problem, but my camera is 6 yrs old (we just figured it out), it is just time for a new one :)