Aaron found this "little" guy under his truck this morning! He is so sweet and Sophie loves him to death! They play so well together. We went to Kroger and got him a collar and some shampoo. He was in need of a bath :) If no one claims him, we are keeping him! He gets along with Bosco and the cats just fine. He is going to be a BIG boy!! He is already almost just as tall as Bosco, who weighs fifty pounds.
What a good lookin' dog. Carl's parents have a dog like that. Name's Candy (looks nothing like Candy). This poor little guy looks hungry.
Yeah, he is pretty skinny! We have been throwing around names . . . Homer, the homeless puppy, Mack, Hank, Woody (famous OSU Coach and much over used!!), but I think Buddy is going to stick. Very generic I know, it fits!
It's like a furry baby! Have fun with him (whatever his name will be!).
Walter maybe . . . he sure is stinky!!!
Well if that's what you're basing it on, then we're going to have to change Jack's name....
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