Friday, February 08, 2008

Sophie is 24 Months Old :)

How old is too old to refer to their age as months??? Never because here are 24 reasons I love Sophie!!!

24. She loves shoes - Especially Crocs and Flip Flops

23. She is potty trained - Mostly :)

22. She has more energy than anyone else I know

21. She gets so excited to see her Daddy when he comes home

20. And when she greets me at the door when I come home, I know she is my reason for living

19. She loves all animals

18. She trys to sing the "we are siamese" song from Lady and Tramp

17. She knows all of her colors

16. She can count to ten - OK, with some help :)

15. She loves gymnastics

14. She loves Elmo, Dora and Sponge Bob - thanks Tyler :)

13. Her best friends are Tyler and Sarah

12. She eats her vegetables - and likes them

11. She never fits us to go to bed, infact she loves to sleep - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

10. She always has to have "just one more" kiss before falling asleep

9. She looks alot like her daddy and a little like me

8. She says "I'm happy, Mommy" with the biggest smile and I know she means it

7. She loves to "wear makeup"

6. She loves her sister

5. When she thinks noone is looking, she sings happily to herself in the sweetest way - if you bring attention to it she stops and smiles like she is embarrased :)

4. She has the most beautiful blue eyes

3. Her smile lights up the room

2. She is the perfect balance between girly girl and tomboy

1. She is *MY* babygirl

I stole this idea from another blog because I really enjoyed it! I hope you did too :) Happy almost birthday baby girl