Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thats what I think of this squash!!


MOP said...

I like chip dip better than squash too. Hold out for ice cream; it is even better than dip.

MOP said...

Blue Bell Fudge Brownie Nut is the best flavor ever. You have to come to Oklahoma or go to Texas to get it though. The Peppermint at Christmas is pretty good too. before we had Blue Bell in OK, we'd got a carton of Blue Bell whenever we went to Dallas so the 6 of us could pig out. Yum, yum.

Kate said...

Amy talked about Blue Bell ice cream all through college...I've yet to have any though.

MOP said...

Katie, if we had know that you had never has Blue Bell, we would have served it at the wedding reception just for you!