Friday, August 04, 2006

Peas ain't so bad!!

Atleast I could get some smiles out of her!!

No Peas Please!

Peas have not gone over as well as green beans! My child is not right! Dinner went better than lunch though. At lunch every time I put the peas close to her mouth she would gag! I guess this just takes time :)

Watch me go!!!!

I can get up on my hands, but I am not quite sure what to do with my legs just yet!

My favorite toy!

Grandpa Reich's also! He was very amused by all the funny noises it makes! I think we should get him one for his birthday!

Where's Sophie?

Hiding under the dresser, of course!

Napping . . .

Seriously this time :) The other night I checked on her and she was sleeping with her butt up in the air! Too cute, if my camera had been in use I would have taken a picture, I will make sure to get one next time!

Green bean face

Daddy has been relieved of his picture taking duties, he obviously doesn't know what he is doing :) Why all of his pics come out dark, I don't know? I am upset because not one of her green bean pics came out! I will get some tonight. Three days of green beans down and we are moving on to peas! I started with the greens beans on purpose, cause everyone seemed to hate the green beans, thinking if I start with the yucky stuff first, when the good food comes it will be even better! Well, Sophie is strange, she loved the green beans!

Long Day