Monday, July 31, 2006


Mimmi got a new camera and she's driving me CRAZY....

Saturday, July 29, 2006

When's Sophie coming?

Trapper & Lola waiting for Sophie

Friday, July 28, 2006

Napping . . .

Yeah, right!

The Roos!

The kangaroos were not very active that day. We thought it is too hot also, we only stayed a couple of hours!

The red panda!

He is very cute!!

The Lorikeets!

Ok, all the stupid faces aside, you have to admit this is pretty cool. Jen wussed out! To her defense the birds were aggressive and faught over the nectar, she still wussed out though :) Next time we go, Mimi and Papaw will have to go with us, so they can join in the fun!! I would love to see Mimi feed the birds!!! That should be a treat!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Bling, Bling!!!

My earring back fell out while we were playing on the floor, which is OK because it gave Mommy a good chance to clean my ears and earrings really well :) And of course, Mommy couldn't resist putting her earrings in my ears!!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Daddy's Girl

Yes, but is Sophie a Nascar fan? Doesn't look like it!!!

Exasaucer Fun!!!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Baby/Dog wrestling!!

Shake, rattle and roll!

Movin' and shakin'

Cute with flowers!

Whatcha howlin' at Eddie?

Yeah, I know . . .

My 5 mo birthday was yesterday and these pictures were taken two days ago. What can I say? Mommy had to work yesterday!

None of us want to wear the stupid flowers!!!!

Eddie won't even look at the camera!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Madelyn & Sarah

These two girls are friends of Sophie's....had to post isn't this the BEST picture ever???

Where's Sophie???

Can you pick out the REAL Sophie????

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I had a nice nap :)

Although, I can't figure out why I have this awful headache!!! Couldn't be because I just slept with my head on the hardwood floor for 1/2 hour, could it? Do you like the redspot on my forehead?

I told you, I am not doing the laundry!

Ok, let me just start out by saying, I do know how terribly bad this looks. Let me explain!!! I was changing the sheets and I throw them over the railing to the dining room to be taken to the basement to be washed. Sophie was cranky because upstairs she was having a good time rolling around in the sheets and I put a stop to her good time. I put her back in the sheets to play and I emptied the dish washer. I noticed she wasn't making noise and this is what I found!!! Good news is she rolled from her back to her belly, YAY :) Bad news is she gave me a heart attack! I do actually believe my heart stopped beating. So now I have a dilema, do I rescue her or let her stay, where she is sleeping so comfortably? I let her rest. I can see her chest rise and fall, and I can hear breathe. Now, if only I can figure out why she is sleeping with her face down on a hardwood floor? She ain't right :)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I love my Great Grandma!!!

I love when she comes to town or we go to Chicago!! I miss her everyday!!!

The Grandma's . . .

Well, you know who belongs to who!! Ok, for those who don't . . . Top is Barbara (Tyler belongs to her), Bottom is Joyce (Sophie belongs to her)!!!!!

Uncle Jeff

With his nephew and "faux" neice!!!!

EEWWWWW . . . .

Boys are gross!!! Mommy and Daddy say that is good, at least until I am thirty. Otherwise, I will give a Daddy a heart attack :)

The Mommies!

Little bit of background . . .

To those who don't know, and I am sure most of you do :) I met Aaron through Jennifer. Jason is Jennifer's husband. Aaron, Jason and Jeff grew up next to each other from the time they were five (or at least Aaron and Jason were, Jeff is all old :) he was ten). Jennifer just happened to be next door today when we were over at Aaron's moms house. We invited Barbara (Jeff/Jason's mom), Jeff, Jen and Tyler over! (Jason was at home) So, Sophie and Tyler are really cousins, or at least they will be raised that way :)


Or at least that is what daddy calls me when I do this!

All by myself!

I know it is dark and I debated whether I should put it up or not. It is real cute though :) I don't know why the pictures turn out like this ever so often?

My first bite of Rice Cereal!

Well, this isn't that bad . . . just wait!

Daddy is distracting me from the task at hand!!!

I am just gonna play with my toes . . .

And try to forget what you are doing to me!!

This stuff is GROSS!!!!