Sunday, August 31, 2008


It's Good!!!
Not in a picture taking mood!!

Football season started yesterday and we couldn't be more excited!!! We are ready for some cooler weather, Football Saturday and get togethers with family and friends! Nothing is better than football on TV and a house full of family and friends! We love you guys :) Oh yeah, the food, all the yummy food!!!

1st day of Dance

Mommy is a rookie . . . She had on footless tights, which is a no, no. Everone else had on light pink frilly little get ups on, Sophie wore Fuschia, she stuck out like a sore thumb!!! That's OK we are teaching individuality at a young age :) We watch the class on TV, so it was real easy to pick her out. We will be more prepared next week!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sisterly Love

I told Sophie to hug Lily and say cheese for the camera, this is what I got!!! I said HUG not strangle!!!

Apparently she likes pickles

She stole this off her sister's plate, little thief!!!

The New Lily Game

Now that she can pull herself up, we go through it every night, here is how to play . . . Stand up in your bed, cry until someone comes in and then bounce up and down because apparently it'stime to play, get laid back down, stand back up and the cycle continues :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Farm Days at C.O.S.I.

That's one big tire

Anything you can do, I can do better :)

Of course Sophie was way more interested in playing in the water, as always!!! She thought the farm equipment was cool for about a minute. She is just too girly!!! Boys would have had a blast here! There were tons of them running around acting like typical boys!! My little pricess (yeah, that's her new thing - I'm a princess) just didn't get it, I guess!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Ohio State/Pataskala Street Fair