Saturday, December 08, 2007

Lily is here

Lily Anne Reich was born December 7, 2007 at 1:59 pm
7 pounds 6 ounces 19 1/2 inches long
Mommy and Baby are doing fine except Mommy has a broken tail bone
Mimi doesn't know how to put a slide show this page...but it you go to
you will be able to see it.....I am sure when Mommy gets home she will put a slide show up....


Kate said...

Welcome, Lily! We can't wait to meet you!

Ohio Grandma said...
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Ohio Grandma said...

Congratulations and Wwlcome to a beautiful baby girl.

shoe said...

Oh MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! So beautiful. I am so proud of both of you, Aaron and Amy. What a glorious baby. I cannot wait to see her. Sophie is going to be a great sister. God bless you all. Love to you all.

Unknown said...

Congratulations all around! So, Lily, born on a day that will live in infamy? When you get older, Sophie will tease you about that. Welcome to the December birthday club.