Thursday, April 20, 2006

Mommy's funny looking in the morning!

I was all smiles this morning! I woke mommy up by cooing in my cradle. As soon as she popped her head in, I just starting laughing at her, she sure does look funny in the morning!


Kate said...

Caroline's all smiles in the morning too--I thought I just had an early bird on my hands, not a funny looking mommy! She's smiling more and more but we can't always get her to smile or giggle on cue.

Amy R. said...

Sophie likes to smile when she is ready, mostly at daddy, but he really is funny lookin'!! But you are right, not on cue yet!

Unknown said...

Smiling on cue is one thing. Smiling on cue with a camera in her face is quite another. It took us 2 months to get a smile on (digital) film! Sophie looks like such a happy girl.

Amy R. said...

She really is a happy girl! I couldn't ask for a better baby!! She is so much fun! You know what that means . . . I am going to pay with the next one . . . He or She is going to be a little devil :), you just wait!