Sunday, June 11, 2006

Look what I can do!

I am growing up before your very eyes!! Soon I will be crawling everywhere, watch out world here I come! I even smiled during tummy time, can you believe it? Mommy wasn't fast enough with the camera to capture it, but I promise it happened!!


Mimi said...

I DON'T see any smiles....the top one looks like she is going to cry......Hang in there will get easier....

Amy R. said...

Believe it or not, but that is the end of a smile. It turned out looking like a frown. I just wasn't fast enough. She started smiling and I ran to get the camera. She was over being happy by the time I got back :(

Kate said...

I believe you! :) We have the same struggles with tummy time. Caroline knows just how you feel, Sophie!