Sunday, July 16, 2006

Little bit of background . . .

To those who don't know, and I am sure most of you do :) I met Aaron through Jennifer. Jason is Jennifer's husband. Aaron, Jason and Jeff grew up next to each other from the time they were five (or at least Aaron and Jason were, Jeff is all old :) he was ten). Jennifer just happened to be next door today when we were over at Aaron's moms house. We invited Barbara (Jeff/Jason's mom), Jeff, Jen and Tyler over! (Jason was at home) So, Sophie and Tyler are really cousins, or at least they will be raised that way :)


Kate said...

We have cousins like that too! They're the best kind because they aren't genetic--you actually get to pick the ones you like best!

Amy R. said...

Of course you know, Caroline is only true cousin (at least so far). Well, second cousins that is! We can't wait to meet her!!!

jen said...

Who knows, they may go from cousins to husband and wife some day!!!!!! I bet that would just kill Aaron! Ewwww, that sound kind of gross huh??? :)

Amy R. said...

AHH, Sophie and Tyler could get married if they wanted, then we really would be related! How cool would that be :) I think Aaron is going to freak out over who ever Sophie brings home!!!