Monday, August 14, 2006

Hey Guys!!

I have lots cute pics to post from over the weekend. Like Caroline eating the hymns book . . . MMMMMMM, Hymns :) I go back to nights tonight and Mimi gets Sophie tomorrow and she will put all of them on CD for me. I will try to get them up ASAP! We had a great time and we must do it again!! Kate your family is wonderful and it was so great to meet all of them! Hi Nana, Jim, Emily, Auntie-Auntie, Uncle-Uncle and everyone else, I know you read this and it was very nice meeting all of you! Tea and her Mommy and Daddy also (Yeah, we have pics of her also!) Everyone was great and we had a great time! Thanks for everything Kate and Steven!!!


Kate said...

We're so glad you could make it! I'm in the process of putting up pictures from this weekend...THEN I'll go back and put ones up from the Ohio trip! I'm a little behind! :)