Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Whatta you want me to do with this?

I am six months old now, well yesterday anyway. Time for sippy cups!! I am not quite sure what to do with it, but I will figure it out :) I went to the doctor yesterday . . . 16 lbs 2 oz. 25.5 inches long. 50th percentile for both!


Princess_zee said...

wow such a cute little angel :*

Kate said...

Apparently you're having as much luck with Sophie and her sippy cup as we did here! Caroline loves to chew on it but that's as far as we get...

Unknown said...

That thing's almost as big as she is! I wouldn't be too concerned about sippy cup mastery. Gracie still needs help with hers, and with good reason. Carl and I have a hard time getting a sip from the sippy cup.