Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I want to crawl......

I just can't seem to get my legs and brain to work together....


Unknown said...

Look at you! You've got your bottom in the air, which is half the battle (the half of the battle that Grace has chosen to ignore...far better to slither around and put Mom's Swiffer out of business.)

Kate said...

Caroline says YAY to both Gracie and Sophie. Rolling is still her preferred method of transportation.

MOP said...

Sophie, if you cannot crawl, how did your toys get scattered all over the room?

MOP said...

Boy! Are the adults in your life CRAZY! Don't they realize that the sooner you crawl, the sooner you walk, the sooner you run. After you learn how to run, you can get into mischief a lot faster.
{Great big grin} They'll realize they had it easy in Sept 2006 and look back to the good old days.