Friday, November 24, 2006

Sophie's Winter wonderland . . . .

She woke up from her nap to find the Christmas tree up!!! Not that she knows, but fun anyway :) And yes we have to put our stockings up on the banister . . . we have no chimney! How are we going to explain this when she gets big? Santa just comes to our house through the front door!!!


Mimi said...

I think my Christmas tree looks better...tee hee I know you really want my tree.....since it's a one of a kind

Kate said...

Sophie, tell Mimi you want a real tree--or at least a 3-d artificial one! :) Ours went up today too--we'll have to post some pictures tomorrow.

MOP said...

I can't believe you all have your trees up! I am still "looking" for my kitchen after making Thanksgiving dinner. Do you make house calls for tree installation (LOL)?

Since we are going to see Gracie, our big tree may not make it up this year.

Kate said...

Oh, it's okay if you forgo the tree to visit Gracie! And Amy R.--my friend Jackie said Santa also had a "magic key" to get into houses with no chimneys. Just an idea.

Amy R. said...

The "magic key" idea is great!! And yes, Sophie does want her Mimi to get a real tree. A wood cutout tree is just not going to work anymore!!!!

Mimi said...

Ok, Ok, Ok, I know that you guys are just JEALOUS because I can put up a tree in no time....tee hee